Day: May 18, 2024

Small Towns and the Riddle of Resurgence

Understanding the dynamics of growth in a time of shrinking population is the subject of the new book by urban scholar Alan Wallach, Smaller Cities in a Shrinking World that promotes “networked localism”. Source: Governing, Alan Ehrenhalt, May 17, 2023 Read the full article.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All For Understanding Downtown Recovery

Downtowns were some of the hardest hit areas of communities during COVID. What explains the recovery of some of these downtowns, but not others? And more importantly, what does recovery even look like? Source: Brookings, Tracy Hadden Loh, September 21, 2023 Read the full article.

Podcast 1: Danville Regional Foundation

Welcome to the Home of Future Thinking, where micropolitans unite to face the challenges of the future head-on. In our inaugural episode, we answer the following question – Are smaller communities equipped to face the complex challenges of our ever-changing world?